Gramatica B Noun Adjective Agreement

Gramatica b noun adjective agreement – Gramatica B: Noun-Adjective Agreement in English Grammar delves into the intricate rules governing the harmonious relationship between nouns and their accompanying adjectives, providing a comprehensive guide to the fundamental principles, number and gender concordance, case agreement, and adjective placement.

This exploration unveils the nuances of singular and plural noun-adjective pairings, delving into exceptions and collective nouns. It illuminates the significance of number agreement, showcasing the correct usage of singular and plural adjectives through illustrative examples.

Noun-Adjective Agreement

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Noun-adjective agreement is a fundamental principle of English grammar that ensures that the adjective modifying a noun matches the noun in number and, in some cases, gender.

Basic Rules

In general, singular nouns take singular adjectives, and plural nouns take plural adjectives. For example:

  • The tallman
  • The tallmen

When an adjective modifies a noun phrase, it must agree with the head noun of the phrase, not with any other noun in the phrase. For example:

  • The redbook of poems

In this example, the adjective “red” agrees with the head noun “book,” not with the noun “poems.”


There are a few exceptions to the general rules of noun-adjective agreement. These exceptions include:

  • Collective nouns, which refer to a group of people or things as a single unit, can take either singular or plural adjectives. For example:

    • The teamis playing well.
    • The teamare playing well.
  • Compound nouns, which are formed by combining two or more words into a single unit, can take either singular or plural adjectives. For example:

    • The attorney generalis investigating the case.
    • The attorneys generalare investigating the case.

Concordance in Number: Singular and Plural Agreement: Gramatica B Noun Adjective Agreement

Agreement adjective noun ppt powerpoint presentation

Number agreement between nouns and adjectives is essential in English grammar to ensure clarity and correctness in sentence construction. Adjectives must match the number (singular or plural) of the noun they modify.

Rules for Singular and Plural Adjective Usage

  • Singular nounsrequire singular adjectives.
  • Plural nounsrequire plural adjectives.

Note:Some adjectives do not change form for singular or plural nouns (e.g., “this” and “that”).



  • The tallman walked down the street.
  • The beautifulflowers bloomed in the garden.


  • The tallmens walked down the street.
  • The beautifulflower bloomed in the garden.

Gender Agreement

Noun adjective agreement gender singular form ppt powerpoint presentation

In English grammar, gender agreement refers to the concordance between nouns and adjectives in terms of gender. Adjectives must match the gender of the noun they modify, which can be masculine, feminine, or neuter.

Rules for Masculine, Feminine, and Neuter Adjective Usage

The following table summarizes the rules for masculine, feminine, and neuter adjective usage:

Gender Adjective Form
Masculine -o (for singular nouns ending in

  • o)
  • e (for singular nouns ending in
  • e)
  • i (for singular nouns ending in a consonant)
  • s (for plural nouns)
Feminine -a (for singular nouns ending in

  • a)
  • e (for singular nouns ending in
  • e)
  • i (for singular nouns ending in a consonant)
  • s (for plural nouns)
Neuter -o (for singular and plural nouns)

Use of Gender-Neutral Language

In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards using gender-neutral language in order to avoid making assumptions about a person’s gender. This can be achieved by using gender-neutral pronouns (such as “they” and “their”), as well as by using adjectives that do not specify gender (such as “beautiful” and “intelligent”).

The use of gender-neutral language has a number of benefits, including:

  • It is more inclusive and respectful of people of all genders.
  • It can help to reduce bias and discrimination.
  • It can make communication more clear and concise.

Case Agreement

Gramatica b noun adjective agreement

Case agreement is a grammatical rule that ensures that the form of an adjective matches the grammatical case of the noun it modifies. In English, there are three cases: nominative, accusative, and genitive.

The nominative case is used for the subject of a sentence, while the accusative case is used for the direct object. The genitive case is used to show possession.

Nominative Adjectives

Nominative adjectives are used to describe the subject of a sentence. They are typically placed before the noun they modify.

  • The tallman walked down the street.
  • The beautifulwoman smiled at me.

Accusative Adjectives

Accusative adjectives are used to describe the direct object of a sentence. They are typically placed after the noun they modify.

  • I saw the tallman.
  • I met the beautifulwoman.

Genitive Adjectives

Genitive adjectives are used to show possession. They are typically placed before the noun they modify and are followed by the preposition “of”.

  • The tallman’s hat was on the table.
  • The beautifulwoman’s smile was contagious.

Possessive Adjectives

Possessive adjectives are a type of genitive adjective. They are used to show that something belongs to someone or something else.

  • Myhat is on the table.
  • Yoursmile is contagious.

Possessive adjectives must agree in number and gender with the noun they modify.

Adjective Placement

Noun adjective

Adjectives are words that describe or modify nouns or pronouns. In English grammar, adjectives can be placed either before or after the noun they modify. The position of an adjective can affect its meaning and the overall tone of the sentence.


Pre-modifiers are adjectives that come before the noun they modify. They typically describe essential qualities or characteristics of the noun and are often used to create a specific or vivid image in the reader’s mind.


  • The brightsun shone through the window.
  • The oldman sat on the bench.
  • The beautifulflowers filled the vase.


Post-modifiers are adjectives that come after the noun they modify. They typically describe more specific or detailed aspects of the noun and are often used to add additional information or nuance to the sentence.


  • The sun was brightand warm.
  • The man was oldand frail.
  • The flowers were beautifuland fragrant.

Impact on Noun-Adjective Agreement, Gramatica b noun adjective agreement

The placement of adjectives does not affect the agreement between nouns and adjectives. In English, adjectives must always agree with the noun they modify in number and gender.


  • The brightsun is shining.
  • The oldman is sitting on the bench.
  • The beautifulflowers are blooming.

Clarifying Questions

What are the basic rules governing noun-adjective agreement?

Nouns and adjectives must agree in number (singular or plural) and gender (masculine, feminine, or neuter).

How do I determine the correct number of an adjective?

The number of the adjective must match the number of the noun it modifies (singular or plural).

What are the exceptions to the general rules of noun-adjective agreement?

Exceptions include collective nouns and compound nouns.