Do Not Go Gentle By Sherman Alexie

Do not go gentle by sherman alexie – Sherman Alexie’s “Do Not Go Gentle” is a powerful and moving poem that explores the themes of aging, mortality, and the human spirit. Through its use of vivid imagery, symbolism, and rhetorical devices, the poem offers a poignant meditation on the challenges and triumphs of growing old.

Alexie’s choice of title is significant, as it alludes to Dylan Thomas’s famous poem “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night.” By echoing Thomas’s title, Alexie suggests that his poem will also grapple with the themes of death and the human condition.

Historical Context

Do not go gentle by sherman alexie

Sherman Alexie’s “Do Not Go Gentle” is influenced by the historical events and social climate of the late 20th century. The poem references the AIDS crisis, the decline of Native American culture, and the growing sense of disillusionment among marginalized communities.

Specific Historical References

  • “the ghost dance”: A religious movement among Native Americans in the 1890s that sought to revive traditional practices and resist white assimilation.
  • “the reservation”: A government-designated area of land where Native Americans were forced to live.
  • “the virus”: Refers to HIV/AIDS, which disproportionately affected gay and minority communities.

These references contribute to the poem’s themes of resistance, loss, and the struggle for survival.

Symbolism and Imagery

Alexie uses powerful symbols and imagery in “Do Not Go Gentle” to convey his themes.


  • “the buffalo”: Represents Native American strength and resilience.
  • “the eagle”: Symbolizes freedom and spirituality.
  • “the virus”: Represents both physical and spiritual decay.


  • “the bones of my fathers”: Conveys the intergenerational trauma experienced by Native Americans.
  • “the blood of my people”: Refers to the violence and oppression faced by marginalized communities.
  • “the dark night of the soul”: Represents the emotional and spiritual struggles faced by the speaker.

Rhetorical Devices

Do not go gentle by sherman alexie

Alexie employs various rhetorical devices to enhance the impact and meaning of “Do Not Go Gentle.”


The repeated use of the phrase “do not go gentle” creates a sense of urgency and desperation.


The repetition of “I will not go gentle” at the beginning of multiple lines emphasizes the speaker’s determination to resist.


The poem’s vivid imagery appeals to the reader’s senses and creates a powerful emotional impact.

Tone and Mood

The tone of “Do Not Go Gentle” is one of defiance and resistance. The speaker refuses to accept the inevitability of death and oppression.


The mood of the poem is somber and reflective, but also contains a sense of hope and resilience.

Language and Imagery, Do not go gentle by sherman alexie

Alexie’s use of strong language and evocative imagery creates a sense of urgency and passion.

Themes: Do Not Go Gentle By Sherman Alexie

“Do Not Go Gentle” explores several important themes:


The speaker refuses to accept the inevitability of death and oppression, and urges others to fight for their rights.


The poem acknowledges the pain and grief experienced by those who have lost loved ones.


Despite the challenges they face, the speaker and his community find ways to survive and thrive.

Poetic Form

“Do Not Go Gentle” is written in free verse, but it retains a sense of rhythm and structure.

Line Length

The poem’s lines vary in length, creating a sense of urgency and irregularity.


The poet uses enjambment, or the running over of lines, to create a sense of flow and continuity.


Alexie uses caesura, or pauses, to emphasize certain words and phrases.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the main theme of “Do Not Go Gentle”?

The main theme of “Do Not Go Gentle” is the struggle against aging and mortality.

What are some of the symbols used in the poem?

Some of the symbols used in the poem include the “old man,” the “dying light,” and the “night.” These symbols represent the aging process, the approach of death, and the darkness that can accompany old age.

What are some of the rhetorical devices used in the poem?

Some of the rhetorical devices used in the poem include metaphors, similes, and personification. These devices help to create a vivid and powerful image of the aging process.